
For another perspective, check this link.

https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=560848205&q=henry+fingarette&tbm=vid&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBxaDq1ICBAxURp4kEHUcJDdYQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=960&bih=522&dpr=3#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:109d4b3c,vid:qX6NztnPU-4 Saw this a couple of years ago. Also, BTW, a great quote: “I’m not afraid of death. I just don”t want to be there when it happens.” Woody Allen



Mark Sanford, Ph.D.
Mark Sanford, Ph.D.

Written by Mark Sanford, Ph.D.

Ph.D. sociology. I help those working on personal development to attain self-respect and self-affirmation.https://medium.com/@sanfmark/membership

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